Custom Knife by: Sergio Consoli ~ Engraved by: Omar Consoli
Photographs by: Sergio Consoli

Blade Length: 4 inches
Closed Length: 5 1⁄4 inches
Overall Length: 9 1⁄8 inches
Blade Steel: RWL-34
Handle Material: 416 Stainless Steel
Frame Material: 416 Stainless Steel
Locking Mechanism: Liner Lock
A Fantastic Collaboration between Sergio Consoli and Omar Consoli! Sergio made this great Knife that opens very smoothly and has great lines. It is a fantastic knife by itself. Omar Consoli, not related, has then engraved this piece with semi-nude Female Samurai fighters and a Gold Cobra! The engraving is Fantastic and covers the whole knife. A great Art knife by these 2 talented Artists.
Stock #: 1003 Price: $8,500 Status: Available Order Knife