Custom Knife by: Steven Rapp ~ Engraved by: Julie Warenski-Erickson
Photographs by: Francesco Pachi
~ SOLD ~

Blade Length: 0 inches
Overall Length: 0 inches
Blade Steel: CPM-154
Handle Material: Gold Quartz
Guard Material: 18Karat Gold Wrap
Sheath: Stainless Steel Scabbard
WOW!! What an Amazing California Dagger by Steven Rapp! This incredible piece is made with an 18 Karat Gold wrap around the handle and then Steven Rapp used some of the most Beautiful Gold Quartz I have ever seen! Gold Quartz is about 2-1/2 to 3 times more expensive than pure Gold by weight! This Dagger is simply awesome. Then to top it Off Julie has elegantly engraved the Dagger and the Scabbard. A Dream Collaboration and a true "Art Knife" that is rarely seen.
Stock #: 1236 Status: Sold